堇青石 iolite
• 堇青石可招財、增加人緣;
• 堇青石之藍色光可令喉部具鎮靜清涼的作用,增強你的說話能力;
• 堇青石能助你鞏固領導權力,具催升領導能量的寶石;
• 堇青石助你增強辦事能力及信心,有避水險的功能;
• 堇青石那沉靜深邃的顏色能夠平復人們起伏不定的煩躁情緒;
• 堇青石令你保持冷靜、使你作出正確、果斷的判斷、幫助你緩解精神壓力。
Iolite is a unique semi precious gemstone which is known for it pleochroism property. It displays different colors when viewed from different angles. It is available in violet, deep blue, yellowish gray and violet colors. It is an excellent stone for making jewelries.
There are many astrological benefits of wearing an iolite stone. The most important ones are:
Iolite is recommended for those who are suffering from disorientation, those who lack motivation and for chronic disorientation.
It unlocks the creativity of an artist and opens a path to your inner self. It is also used in recovering information about any person’s past.
It is very good for healing of the eyes.
It has spiritual value in it, which helps us in seeing the path we are on and the path we should be on.
It is very useful for those who feel that they are jinxed. It restores the sense of perspective and helps in simplifying life.
It activates the visionary and creative side of human mind and helps us in accessing thoughts and ideas beyond the ordinary.
It is also good for those who write poetry, songs, stories etc.
It is a very good source of energy when used for debt elimination and management of money.
It stipulates memory and helps in improving sleep imbalances.
It helps in strengthening the resolve of taking any responsibility.
It also provides perseverance and endurance to those who are on the path to follow their dreams.
It strengthens family dilemmas and sibling rivalry.
It balances the male/female aspects of a person’s character and brings harmony within one’s self.
It also helps the addicts in understanding and releasing the cause of addiction.
It calms overactive mind and helps in reaching a focused stage of mind.