K2 Blue Jasper

K2 Blue Jasper
蓝铜矿与花岗岩共生的「K2 Blue Jasper」産于巴基斯坦的喀喇崑崙山脉,以世界第二高峰「K2」,加上蓝斑点的蓝铜矿特殊外观便成了「K2 Blue Jasper」的名称。
K2 是稀有能量矿石,能促进身心平衡,消除情绪困扰,恢复自我清淨的内心,提高生活品质。
1. 屬於高振頻礦石,可以幫助佩戴者發展更深的同理心及慈悲心
2. 能夠促進不同甚至是矛盾的層面的磨合、帶來和諧、造就群體成員之間的連繫
3. 助人與內在思想及感受溝通、以至更好地控制情緒及解除內心鬥爭,尋回內在平靜。
4. 可以幫助我們連接本源,亦有人將它應用到開啟阿卡西紀錄方面
5. 助舒緩因靈性阻塞造成的頭痛,並能強化骨骼
K2 gives success as per Akashic records and is a valuable stone for the people who are engages in soul retrieval. It has a very high vibration. Some of the remarkable benefit of K2 Jasper are as follows:
1) It helps to sustain during the time of emergency.
2) K2 Jasper unifies all aspects of life and reminds people to help each other.
3) K2 Jasper aligns the chakras of the body and can be used in chakra layout.
4) K2 Jasper facilitates shamanic journeys and dream recall.
5) It provides protection and ground energies and the body.
6) K2 Jasper supports one during the necessary conflicts.
7) It is very useful for increasing the sexual pleasure and doesn’t over stimulate the body.
8) K2 Jasper is particularly used as a gem elixir because it heals all aspects of the body.
9) K2 Jasper removes the problems of assertivity and makes one responsible and dedicated towards the work.
10) It absorbs negative energy of the body and cleanses and aligns the chakras of the body.
11) K2 Jasper balances the yin and yang energy of the body.
12) K2 Jasper stimulates the heart chakra of the body.
13) K2 Jasper treats skin disorders and dispels the bloating of the abdomen.
14) K2 Jasper reduces toxicity and inflammation.
15) K2 Jasper facilitates deep meditation and removes depressive conditions of the body.

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